Photoshop Tutorials: Create a Horrific Flesh Eating Movie Poster in Photoshop CS6

    Photoshop Tutorials: Create a Horrific Flesh Eating Movie Poster in Photoshop CS6

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    Create a Horrific Flesh Eating Movie Poster in Photoshop CS6

    Posted: 13 May 2013 12:20 AM PDT

    Final Image Preview

    sexy blond woman

    Tutorial Details

    • Program: Adobe Photoshop
    • Version: CS6
    • Difficulty: Advanced
    • Estimated Completion Time: 10 Hours

    Tutorial Assets

    1.Base sketch

    Step 1

    Lets open up our image and crop it to about what is shown here, then create a new layer on top.

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    Step 2

    Select the brush shown here and setup the transfer and pen pressure in the brush palette as shown. Then just sample dark color from the image and start blocking in the areas and shapes of the-sections we will be messing up.

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    Step 3

    Do the same work on the shoulder and hand as shown here. Next sample lighter color from the skin.

    ScreenFlow 7

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    Step 4

    Reduce the brush size a bit and start painting in where we think the flesh its ripping apart.

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    Step 5

    Then change the sample color to some pinkish top flesh like the tongue here and add to the previous strokes as shown here.

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    Step 6

    Continue adding flesh as shown here, remember we are sketching and planning how and where the pieces of flesh are ripped off; where do they go and how are they still attached. Next sample a darker color from the mouth and paint in to support the other strokes. Similar to the mouth the top layer of skin is lighter and as you go deeper into the flesh its more dark blood red.

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    Step 7

    Now sampling color from the teeth we can start defining what will be exposed bone and teeth sections.

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    Step 8

    Then we continue to find all the sharp edges and give the same treatment so the flesh has some thickness.

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    Step 9

    Also sketch a little bit around the eye so we know the area needed to take space for it.

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    Step 10

    And then touch to add the flesh in front of the eye.

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    Step 11

    As we said previously we need to keep the top skin on top for the rest to make sense so touch up accordingly as show.

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    Step 12

    At this point I decided to clear the eye section a bit so we could later see a bit more of it.

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    Step 13

    Then to suggest a limit to the depth of the skin and flesh we need to paint in some hint of bone bellow all this mess; so sample some color as shown here and paint in some bone back there as shown here.

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    Step 14

    OK great! at this stage we need to cover with the same sketching for the rest on the shoulder and hand. And that is it for this stage we should have all of our plan and sketch in place.

    ScreenFlow 36

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