Photoshop Tutorials: Create a Poster Inspired by the Movie “The Bourne Legacy” plus 1 more

    Photoshop Tutorials: Create a Poster Inspired by the Movie “The Bourne Legacy” plus 1 more

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    Create a Poster Inspired by the Movie “The Bourne Legacy”

    Posted: 18 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT

    Preview of Final Results


    The Bourne Legacy Movie Poster Photoshop Tutorial

    Tutorial Resources

    Step 1

    Start by opening the photo into Photoshop. To open an image, go to File > Open. If you'll be using the same image we used, we recommend downloading the highest resolution image because we will be cropping it in the middle of the tutorial.


    Step 2

    Right-click on the layer then click Convert to Smart Object. This will convert the layer into a Smart Object which lets us manipulate the image non-destructively.


    Step 3

    Before we start, we're going to add a black layer below the photo layer. To do this, go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color. Select black as the color then click OK.


    Step 4

    In the Layers palette (Window > Layers), drag the Color Fill layer to the bottom. Rename the top layer to Photo and bottom layer to Background. To rename a layer, double-click on the text of the layer you want to rename.


    Step 5

    To begin, we'll add a gritty photo effect with adjustment layers and filters. Start by adding a Black & White adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Black & White) then change the blending mode of this layer to Overlay. Feel free to play around with the settings in the Properties panel (Window > Properties). This is an easy way of adding a grungy lighting effect and you can try it with your other photos.


    Step 6

    Next, add a Vibrance adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Vibrance). Reduce vibrance setting until it just has a hint of color.


    Here's what our image looks like after reducing the vibrance setting.


    Step 7

    The adjustment layers gave it a grungy lighting effect but it also hides the detail and makes the background even darker. We don't want to the photo to be too dark because it can blend in with the black background and make the stripes not very visible. To fix this, we're going to apply a Shadows/Highlights adjustment. In the Layers panel, select the Photo layer then go to Image > Adjustments > Shadows/Highlights. Set the shadows to around 35% and highlights to around 15% then click OK.


    If you look in the Layers palette, you can see that the adjustment was applied as a Smart Filter. This is because in Step 2, we changed the layer into a Smart Object. The benefit of using Smart Filters is that you can change the settings at any time without undoing a bunch of steps.


    Step 8

    Next, we're going to add some grain to the photo using the Add Noise filter – which will be applied as a Smart Filter just like the previous step. Make sure you have the Photo layer selected then go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Checkmark the Monochromatic option then adjust the settings so that you get an effect like shown in the image below. Click OK to add the noise.


    Step 9

    Next, we're going to crop and rotate the image. Select the Crop tool (C) then in the options bar, disable the "Delete Cropped Pixel" option. This will let us uncrop or make adjustments to the crop at any time.


    Crop the image like shown in the image below. We also rotated the image so that the eyes are more horizontally aligned. This is important because when we add the stripes, we want to ensure that the eyes are visible and don't tilt off the top or bottom edge of the stripes.


    Step 10

    Now we're going to add some text to the image. We're doing this first so that we know where to place the stripes later. In the Layers palette, select the top layer so that when you add the text, they all appear above the top layer. Select the Text tool then add some text around the image with each line of text in their own layer. The font used below is Arial.


    Step 11

    Select all the text layers (hold CTRL to select multiple layers) then add them to a group (Layer > Group Layers or Ctrl+G). Rename the group to Text.


    How to Create an Emotional Photo Manipulation of an Angel

    Posted: 14 Aug 2012 11:42 PM PDT

    Preview of Final Result


    Emotional Photo Manipulation of an Angel Photoshop Tutorial

    Tutorial Resources

    • · Model: Maria Amanda.deviantart.com
    • · Background: kuschelirmel-stock.deviantart.com
    • · Wings: jtotheotothee.deviantart.com
    • · Feathers: falln-stock.deviantart.com
    • · Crown: ybsilon-stock.deviantart.com

    Step 1

    Place a part of your background image as shown below.


    Step 2

    Go to Filter>Blur>gaussian blur and choose the desired value.


    Step 3

    Add the adjustment layers below:

    Hue/Saturation 0 -38 0
    Color balance 0 -20 0


    Step 4

    Now working with the model.

    Place your model’s image where you want or as shown here.
    Choose your pen tool and cut around the model’s body. You can use any other tool you’re familiar with, but make sure to always have a mask on the original image.
    Sometimes, using my graphics tablet, I find it better to mask the model’s image and use the eraser to isolate her from the background.


    Step 5

    Add layer masks to the model’s layer as shown below.

    Tip: You can add those masks by pressing Ctrl+Alt+G or simply press Alt between each 2 layers on the layers palette.

    Make sure they are with the same order (Curves, Color balance, Hue/saturation).


    Step 6

    This will be the result.


    Step 7

    Select the model’s layer and go to layer>layer style>Inner shadow and apply the values shown below.


    Step 8

    This is how it should look like. You can also try inner glow. Those two ways will soften the hard edges of the model.


    Step 9

    Convert the model’s layer into a smart object by right clicking on the layer of the model and selecting convert to smart object.
    Don’t panic, you can always go back to the original  layer mask and layer style by double clicking on that layer.
    Now select Filter>Blur>Surface blur with Radius: 10 and Threshold: 30
    Select your smart filter mask (the white box) and fill it with black (9a).

    Tip1: If white was your background color and black was your foreground color select Alt+backspace.
    If it was the opposite, select Ctrl+backspace.

    Tip2: To choose default colors (Black and white) press D.
    To switch between foreground and background colors press Shift+X

    Select the brush tool and paint with white the hands and parts of the face.
    This will apply the effect of the surface blur therefore the skin will become softer. (9b)
    Be careful not to blur the mouth, nose edges and eyes because this will make you lose details.


    Step 10

    This is how it should look like.


    Step 11

    Using a Graphics tablet I painted with white some edges on her arms and shoulder.
    Also paint with light pink color on her cheeks and decrease the fill and/or opacity depending on your desire.


    Step 12

    Most artists use dodging and burning for the model’s face, body and clothes, but I use a normal brush to make shadows and highlights.
    Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and name it shadows/highlights.
    Select your brush tool (or press B). Hardness should be 0% and sizes depend on the area you’re working on with opacity 30% and Flow 20%.

    Tip: To be faster play with the brush size with “[" and "]” and the hardness with “shift+[" and "shift+]“

    We will be using black to make the shadows and white for the highlights. Set the layer blending mode to soft light.
    To make some areas pop-out more (like the cheeks, hair, etc…) make another blank layer, use a white brush and set the blending mode of the layer to overlay.
    You can always play with opacity and fill to get your desired result.



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