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    How to change hair color in photoshop

    Posted: 14 Aug 2011 11:55 PM PDT

    In this photoshop for beginners article, we are going to cover a step by step tutorial on how to change your hair color in photoshop. This tutorial will be very useful for adding some coolness to either your photos or to pictures of others celebrities or stars to see just how they look with a different color!

    1.       Choose a image of your choice and open up in photoshop.

    2.       Create an adjustment layer by clicking on the "Create new fill or adjustment layer" Button, and choose "hue/saturation…" from the drop down menu.

    3.       A pop up window of hue/saturation will come up and we shift the saturation to "-100" and lightness to "+51". This will turn the photo into faded black and white look.

    4.       We are now ready to mask out the hair from the base photo so that it is easier for you in terms of changing hair color in photoshop. Having the mask selected, we choose brush tool and start painting the hair area with black color using a soft edge brush. It's important to keep the edge soft as this will make the hair look more natural when we change its color later.

    5.       With the hair painted, we go to Image>Adjustments>Invert or Control I. Notice the hair is now grey in color and the rest of the image is back to normal.

    6.       We are now ready to change the hair color. Double click this icon and the Hue/Saturation window will pop up.

    7.       By bring the saturation up and lightness down we are now able to bring the hair color tone back to normal. And by shifting the hue slider, we are able to change hair color as you like.

    8.       To touch up the edge details, we can use a soft edge brush to paint the over ran areas with black color.

    9.       Finally we go to Filter>Blur>Caussian Blur and give a value of "2.5" to further soften the mask's edges. And this is the final result I have. I hope you will have fun with this little tutorial!

    Paint an Iron Man’s Helmet Digitally in Photoshop

    Posted: 31 Jul 2011 02:51 AM PDT

    This tutorial will show how we can paint an Iron Man’s helmet in Photoshop with the help of a Wacom Bamboo. As it is my first time trying out digital painting, may all the experts give me some pointers in making the processes better!

    Preview of Final Image

    The texts and images are copyrighted to 10Steps.SG and their respective owners. You CANNOT copy the whole tutorial, either in English or translate to another language.

    Start off by drawing the outline for the Iron Man’s helmet on a piece of white paper. Then scan it into Photoshop once you are done.

    Create a new document with size 870×570 pixels. You can either clean up your scanned outlines or trace your original drawings with the Pen tool. I am using Pen tool in this case because most of the straight and curve lines need to be perfect.

    Create a new layer below the "Outlines" and rename it as "Red Base". Paint within the outlines using color #6a0507 and this shall form the base of the helmet.

    Create a new layer above "Red Base" and rename it as "Yellow Base". Paint within the face outlines using color #f4d3a0.

    Create a new layer above the "Yellow Base" and rename it as "Black Base". Paint within the eyes and jaw outlines using color #000000. Now you have formed the bases where you will add more details on them.

    Let us start working on the red areas first. Create a new layer just above "Red Base" and rename it as "Red Shadows". Using the color #3d090b, briefly paint the shadows where you want the light source to come from. There is no need to be accurate at this point of time since we will be adjusting the areas as we paint along. We just need to get a brief idea on how the final work will look like for now.

    Create a new layer above "Red Shadows" and rename it as "Red Highlights". Using the color #775240, paint on the areas where you want the gloss to appear.

    Create a new layer above the "Red Highlights" and rename it as "Red Outlines". Using the color #672121, roughly paint along the black outlines to enhance the grooves and joint areas.

    Create a new layer above the "Red Outlines" and rename it as "Red Glow". Using the color #ffffff, paint in some white glowing areas. Ok we stop on the red portions for now, let us move on to the yellow face area.

    Create a new layer above the "Yellow Base" and rename it as "Yellow Shadows". Using the color #e1954a and large sized Soft-Rounded Brush, paint in some soft shadows on left and right of the face.

    Create a new layer above the "Yellow Shadows" and rename it as "Yellow Curves". Using the color #985b24, paint around the areas where the curves are to make them look more defined.

    Create a new layer above the "Yellow Curves" and rename it as "Yellow Highlights". Using the color #ffffff, paint at the parts where the glows and highlights are.

    Now we are left the eye areas. Create a new layer above "Black Base" and rename it as "Black Inner". Using the color #31392a, paint the inner areas within the eye holes.

    We have a general idea of the final work that we going to do. Let us move on to the details now. There are too much to specify but the basic things to do are to erase some of the access lines and make the edges smooth. Below is the before and after image for the red areas.

    Below is the before and after image of the yellow face areas.

    Last thing to do is to touch up on the eyes and you are done!

    Put red background with a simple shadow to complete your work. I hope you have enjoyed this new tutorial. Thanks for your time reading!

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    Creating Funny Big Head Characters in Photoshop

    Posted: 30 Jul 2011 11:11 PM PDT

    This tutorial is inspired by the Red Queen character in the new "Alice in the Wonderland" movie, where she has a big head and small body. We will be looking at using Liquify tool to achieve that sort of caricature effect.

    Preview of Final Image

    The texts and images are copyrighted to 10Steps.SG and their respective owners. You CANNOT copy the whole tutorial, either in English or translate to another language.

    Download "Two brides fight and shout at each other" from ShutterStock, or you may use other images of similar model poses.

    Extract the bride on the right using the Layer Mask tool. There are various methods of extraction mentioned here so I will not go into details on how to crop out an object.

    Cut out the bride’s head and paste into a separate layer. Hide the bride’s head for now. Go to Edit > Free Transform to resize the body smaller.

    Unhide the bride’s head and position it roughly around the neck area like the example shown below.

    Create a layer below the bride and give it a pink background. Change the opacity of the head layer to 50%. Overlap the head over the body as shown below.

    Selecting the head’s layer, go to Filter > Liquify. Using the Forward Warp tool with settings shown in the screenshot, push the upper neck area on the head layer to meet lower neck on the body. You may need a few tries here to get a realistic blend. Use Eraser tool to touch up and remove the unwanted areas.

    Repeat the same set of processes for the bride on left of the original stock image. So you will get two funny quarreling brides with big heads.

    Download the "Castle and Park" from ShutterStock. Create a new document of size 1000×600 pixels. Place Castle image as a layer on the document with the two brides above it.

    Select the Castle layer and enter Quick Mask Mode. Using the Radial Gradient tool with foreground color set as black and background as white, make a radial mask that starts around center of the document.

    Exit Quick Mask Mode and you will get a circular selection. With that selection, go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur. Fill in the settings shown below and hit OK.

    Download "Just Married" from ShutterStock.

    Extract the car out, reduce its size and place it on the pathway leading to the castle.

    Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set the Radius to 6 pixels and hit OK.

    Create a new layer below the brides and car. Rename this new layer as "Shadows". Using the Brush tool (Soft Rounded) with opacity 70% and size 60 pixels, paint some shadows below the brides and car.

    Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer above all layers. Check on colorize and key in the settings as shown in the screenshot below. Ok now group all these layers into one group folder. Rename this group folder as "Wedding Photo".

    Download "Blank Photo Frame on Old Wall" from ShutterStock.

    Resize the "Wedding Photo" group and place it into the empty space within the photo frame.

    Create a new layer above the "Wedding Photo" group and rename it as "Surface Glow". Make a selection around the empty space within the photo frame and fill it with white.

    Using the Eraser tool (Soft Rounded) with a large size around 500 pixels. Erase the left part of "Surface Glow" layer, leaving only some highlights on its right.

    Download "Displeased Man in Studio" from ShutterStock.

    Extract the man’s body like what I did below. Repeat the same for the head, so you will get them as two separate layers.

    Combine both the man’s head and body with proportions as shown. Go to Edit > Free Transform to rotate the head slightly to the left.

    Create a layer between the man’s head and body. Paint in shadows around the neck area. Repeat the same on a new layer below the body for some shadows around its border.

    And there you have it, an interesting composition of characters with big heads! Hope you will find this tutorial useful for your projects. Thanks!

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